
OLI IP 12 manual

This is manual page for OLI IP 12 controller. This box is directly designed for our K9AY++/4-WAY beverage system and also 7ANT switch controller.

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Front panel description
Rear panel description
Connection and connectors description

Jumper settings

Remote control
UI examples
QUICK setup

Product details

Front panel description

old ip 12 description front panel qro.cz hamparts.shop

1. LED - Status LED

- ANT - antenna/direction is selected
- BPF - BPF is selected, OFF = ByPass
- ON - control is ON

Rear panel description

oli ip 12 controller description rear panel qro.cz hamparts.shop

1. LAN

- 10/100 Mbit LAN with DHCP

2. USB

- USB port for FW upload

3. DB15 male

- to controller


- Universal 12 outputs with + voltage outputs
- Output current:
max. 500mA per output, 500 mA total
- Output voltage from controller max. 16 V DC
- Controller supply voltage 10 ~ 16 V DC, max. 0.7 A
- LED indication:
- LAN 10/100 MBit with filter and protection
- ONLY DHCP IP address - not static

Connection and connectors description

There is DB15 male connector with power supply and output pins. This controller has got positive output driver. It means - when PIN is switched remotely ON, the supply voltage is switched to this output PIN. There is also internal electronic fuse (short protection).

You can directly connect K9AY++/4-WAY or 7ANT remote controller to this connector by 1:1 wire connection. You can also connect any of your devices which is controlled by positive voltage (12 to 16 V) and max. 0.5 A total. OLI IP 12 works as a remotely controlled group of switches:

principle of oii ip 12 controller qro.cz hamparts.shop


oli ip 12 connector db15 male qro.cz hamparts.shop

oli ip 12 connection with controller qro.cz hamparts.shop

Jumper settings

When you use OLI IP 12 with 7ANT controller - or with any your HW - and you need to you DIR 6 pin, you have to short internal jumper. Open enclosure and short JP1

oli ip 12 jumper settings qro.cz hamparts.shop

Remote Control

OLI IP 12 could be controlled by the three basic ways. If you want to know more about REMOTE SYSTEM, please read our technical articles.

remote control options qro.cz hamparts.shop

1. CLASSIC User Interface (UI)

- There are UI with the similar look as the HW controllers. You can use this web page UI to control outputs by clicking on buttons, you can change labels, colour, font size etc.


- This is UI with automatically generated beam map from your location. There are preconfigured templates for different HW (K9AY, 7ANT, 4SQ, 8 Circle etc.). You can change antenna (port) direction, antenna beam width, colours etc.


- You can use your own code, NodeRed, Stream Deck etc. Please, contact us for API details.

UI examples

ui example beam map qro.cz hamparts.shop

ui example k9ay++/4-way controller qro.cz hamparts.shop

ui example 7ANT controller qro.cz hamparts.shop

QUICK setup

Mike DM5XX has prepared Entry Point and Easy Assistant pages. This is the best way to go, see all possibilities of our UIs.
Please, start with ENTRY POINT manual page
QUICK UI setup link is there: EASY ASSIST
Please, follow our YouTube channel

IMPORTANT NOTE: We recommend a VPN while using remote access from outside your network in general.

Product details

Included in package

Controller assembled and tested
DB15 female connector with cover

Box dimensions (mm) 75x85x48 mm - al box
Weight brutto (kg) 0.24 kg


Ing. Jan Šustr
ID 05476356, VAT CZ8407024780
Palachova 1777/7, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech republic, Europe

General instructions:

Please also read general instructions before handling the product.

European Union Declaration of Conformity

Manufacturer Ing. Jan Šustr (QRO.cz):

ID 05476356, VAT CZ8407024780
Palachova 1777/7, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech republic, Europe

declares that the assembled product:


is compatible with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation directives:
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
ČSN EN 61000-6-3 ed. 2
ČSN EN 61000-6-1 ed. 2 (333432)

On behalf of Ing. Jan Šustr (QRO.cz)
Ing. Jan Šustr, CEO
11th June 2023

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