WEB-888 SDR receiver
16 bit SDR receiver with LAN and lots of possibilities
273.00 € (without tax)
The WEB-888 SDR is a very robust RF and ADC design taken from the RX-888 SDR. It features a 16 bit ADC with a tunable sampling rate. Covering a spectrum from 1 KHz to 62 MHz and VHF range from 118 MHz to 145 MHz. A single-board design combining FPGA and CPU ensures lower power consumption, streamlined functionality, and a sleek, efficient form factor.
Take advantage of compatible HW with KiwiSDR and Red Pitaya applications, which are supported by the open-source community and provide new possibilities and innovations.
The Kiwi SDR web app allows up to 13 RX channels and 13 waterfalls to run simultaneously, enabling monitoring and listening across a wide range and at many devices. The built-in GPS module allow tuning of the oscillator and synchronisation with the GPS signal.
This SDR also supports CW, RTTY and DIGI skimmer receivers. See our technical blog posts for more information.
With our range of pre-configured SD cards, you can save time and get up and running as soon as you switch on the SDR.
- 16 bit SDR receiver
- WEB-based SDR
- OpenWEB RX - KiWi SDR with DIGI decoders
- CW, RTTY and DIGI skimmers 8 band
- Stand-alone FT8 skimmer 8 band
Main functions
- Broadband: 1 KHz to 62 MHz and 118 MHz to 145 MHz
- 16-bit ADC DDC architecture SDR
- ADC chip LTC2208
- 61.44 MHz real-time bandwidth
- Built-in GPS module
- Gigabit Ethernet
- Reference clock input/output
- 24.576 MHz, 0.5 ppm TCXO
- 6 GPIO for antenna switching
- Zynq7010 FPGA with dual A9 ARM
- Alpine Linux 3.20 with Linux 6.6 Kernel
- WebRX-based browser SDR experience
- KiwiSDR web socket protocol for applications
- WSPR, FT8 skimmers, and other decoders
- 13 RX channels and 13 spectrum channels simultaneously
- Read-only root partition to prevent SD card corruption
- Aluminium enclosure
- Dimensions (with connectors): 115x70x25 mm
Available as
ASSEMBLED: ready to use
RECOMMENDATIONS TO BUY:Included in package
SDR receiver
USB power cable
Technical articles
There are blog posts about web-str, skimmers etc: WEB-888.
Instruction manual
Please read this manual before switching on the SDR. In addition to important information about the power supply and the SD card, you will also find information about the SDR website and tis administration.
Recommended to buy:
For the operations of the Web SDR we recommend the purchase of a GPS antenna to synchronise the oscillator. Please also protect the receiver and ADC inputs. It can be destroyed by too strong single. Threfore I recommend to connect an RF limiter to the SDR input. We offer a wide range of such products.
Pre-installed SD cards
To make sure you don't buy the wrong SD card, or to get you started with SDR as soon as possible, we offer pre-installed SD cards. Some require no modification, the FT8 stand-alone requires a text file modification with your CALL and LOC. See our technical articles for more information.
The pre-installed SD cards can be found at our website.
Example of use - Web-based SDR:
Here is a tutorial with information about the web-based SDR receiver. You can install it yourself or buy a ready-made SD card from us. The receiver is still under development, so keep an eye on the project website. Here is the link to the article.
Example of use - CW, RTTY and DIGI skimmer at PC:
The receiver can provide IQ data to a PC on which you can run CW, RTTY and DIGI skimmer servers. These can send data to the Reversebeacon Network, PSK Reporter and others. You can also record whole bands, listen to them and tune them later. Here is the link to the article.
Example of use - Stand-alone FT8 skimmer in WEB-888:
A very interesting option is to run a 8 band FT8 skimmer directly in the WEB-888. With this option you get a skimmer with very low power consumption and size. You can change the bands according to time: day, night and grayline.
See our technical article for more information.
Example of use - PowerSDR (Charly25):
You can use this powerful PowerSDR program to listen on the HF bands using its features. For more information see our technical article PowerSDR with WEB-888 and TRX-DUO.
Very important
Please note two important things:
1. Use a sufficiently powerful power supply I recommend 5V 2A. At the same time, the power supply may not be well filtered and may produce RFI.
2. Use the SD card recommended in the instructions, or buy a pre-installed SD card from us that has been tested.
3. Be careful not to overload the SDR and ADC inputs with a strong signal, such as your own transmitter. This can destroy the ADC and degrade the SDR. A new 16-bit ADC costs almost as much as a full SDR.
We recommended and RF limit as protection. Several can be found directly in our offer. Others are already part of our more complex devices.
4. SDR cooling The box does include a fan, but when using the SDR 24/7 or as a stand-alone skimmer, the CPU and converter get hot. Poor cooling leads to their destruction or reduced lifetime!
Therefore, please ensure sufficient cooling and check the fan regularly to prevent it from cooling due to dust.
⚠ There is no warranty for damaged ADC and fan!
Data sheet
- type
- design
- in enclosure
- cable length
- 1 m
- product dimensions
- 115x70x25mm
- product weight (brutto)
- 0.23 kg