LoRa module RFM95CW 868 MHz
HOPERF RFM95CW LoRa module
10.00 € (without tax)
RFM95 is long range modem that provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimising current consumption. Using LoRa™️ modulation technique RFM95CW can achieve a sensitivity of over -140 dBm. The high sensitivity combined with the integrated +20 dBm power amplifier making it optimal for any application requiring range or robustness. LoRa™️ also provides significant advantages in both blocking and selectivity over conventional modulation techniques, solving the traditional design compromise between range, interference immunity and energy consumption. Possible use is in own LoRa projects, LoRa APRS beyond 433MHz, Meshtastic devices etc.
- LoRa APRS projects (https://lora-aprs-wx.eu/)
- Meshtastic (https://meshtastic.org/)
- MeshCom (https://icssw.org/en/meshcom/)
- Home Automation
- Long Range systems
- LoRa Packet Radio TNC: LoRa PI dual daughter board KIT
Main functions
- RF long range modem
- 868 MHz model
- ultra-long range spread spectrum communication
- high interference immunity
- FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK, LoRa™️ and OOK modulation
- Low power consumption
- Frequency 868 MHz
- +20 dBm - 100 mW constant RF output
- Shielded module
- 164 dB maximum link budget
- Programmable bit rate up to 300 kbps
- High sensitivity: down to -144 dBm
- FSK, GFSK, MSK, LoRa™️ and OOK modulation
- Packet engine up to 256 bytes with CRC
- Supply Voltage 3.3 V (max. 3.9 V)
- Dimensions: 16x16 mm

Block diagram from Data sheet

Data sheet
- design
- pcb module
- product dimensions
- 16x16 mm
- package dimensions
- 12x10.5x4.5 cm