RX Audite SDR Switch
This RX Audit splitter/switch is very powerful device combines TRX switch, RX splitter, RF limiter protection for both RX outputs, INBAND RX antenna input and optional RX preamplifier. You can share your main TX/RX ANT to two RX with RF power limiter protection.
241.00 € (without tax)
This is very powerful device that combines TRX switch, RX splitter, RF limiter protection for both RX outputs, INBAND RX antenna input and optional RX preamplifier. You can also share your main TX/RX ANT to two RX with RF power limiter protection.
This is ideal solution for Spectrum Panadapter, WebSDR or Skimmer Server - RBN.
When the controller is OFF then main TX/RX antenna goes to the SDR RX output - with 10 mW RF limiter protection. You can switch ON preamplifier even you left controller OFF by the POWER switch. When the controller is ON, Main TX/RX antenna is shared between TRX and SDR outputs. During TXing, the SDR RX output can be connected to the internal dummy load or to the INBAND RX antenna input. You can switch the SDR RX output to the INBAND RX ANT port not only while the TRX is TXing, but by the front panel switch, it can be switched all time. Optional HIGH IP3 internal preamplifier can be used for insertion loss compensation. Additional gain is variable, up to 14 dB.
Main functions
- Frequency range: 0.1 to 60 MHz
- Version frequency: 48 to 75 MHz - VHF version
- Main TX/RX ANT splitter to two RX
- RX RF limiter protections for both RX outputs
- HPF (> 100kHz), high voltage and current protection at both RX outputs
- RX ANT (INBAND) input - works only for SDR output
- TX-RX switch controlled by the PTT
- Designed for 2nd RX, WEB-SDR, SKIMMER or Panadapter
- Controller OFF = TX/RX ANT port to SDR RX out via RF limiter protections - Skimmer/web-SDR
- Controller ON = TX/RX ANT port splitted to TRX and SDR RX out via RF limiter protections
- TRX TX to main TX/RX ANT = SDR RX out to dummy load or INBAND RX ANT input via RF limiter protections - see jumper switch
- Front panel Switch - SDR RX output to RX ANT (INBAND) during transmitting or all time
- Very high isolation when TRX transmitting and SDR goes to RX ANT (INBAND) 100 dB @ 14 MHz and 80 dB @ 50 MHz
- DC plug included
- Preamplifier as option version with PREAMP: insertion loss compensation, up to 14 dB of additional gain
- Preamplifier could be ON for SDR even controller is OFF
- Please, see also Frequently Asked Questins - FAQ
ONE black box but many different parts inside
- TX/RX switch controlled by PTT signal
- PTT splitter (IN/OUT) in sniffer mode (IN directly to OUT) or output PTT FET switch - image
- 2-way RX splitter with low loss
- 2x RF limiter RX protections - the best on the market :)
- RX switch for RX ANT (INBAND) (only for SDR output) - settings
- Both antennas with HPF > 100 kHz (blocking AC noise)
- RX preamplifier (high IP3, 18 dB gain) with variable ATT - OPTIONAL - manual link
- RX lines with High Voltage protections > 60 V AC
- RX lines with SuperFuse current protections > 100 mA
- Very high isolation TX to SDR, between RX output ports, INBAND RX and TX/RX ANT port
- Supply voltage DC + 12 to 14 V (13.8 V recommended)
- Supply current DC max. 0.7 A with preamp
- Maximal TX power 250 W, recommended 200 W
- Very high isolation when TRX transmitting and SDR goes to RX ANT (INBAND) 100 dB @ 14 MHz and 80 dB @ 50 MHz
- PTT IN open PTT = RX, GND = transmitting
- PTT OUT sniffer (IN = OUT) or output FET (max. 35V DC and 0.5 A) - image
- PTT is not designed for QSK but you can use with right PTT lead/tail/TX delay time: min. 20/20 ms
- Default configuration SDR to the internal dummy load (older 2211xx to RX ANT (INBAND) input) while TRX transmitting - settings
- Optional Preamp preset to insertion loss + 6 dB (total gain about 10 dB)
- Low insertion loss see measurements picture
- TX insertion loss less than 1 W from 100 W @ 28 MHz
RF limiters
- Limiter for RF signal to + 13 dBm = 20 mW (could be + 17 dBm) @ 50 Ohm
- Current SuperFuse - the only at market
- Can survive high input power (current) for long time
- The soft clipping reduces the IMD products of a classic hard diode clip limiter
Internal Preamplifier module
- Preamplifier could be retrofitted also by you - customer
- High IP3 preamplifier module with 18 dB gain
- With 2SC5551 transistor
- Real OIP3 is +34 dBm
- Preset to 40 mA @ 13.8 V
- Low Noise Figure (NF) < 2 dB (60 mA 50 MHz)
- Variable gain by output ATT
- Preset to 10 dB for TX/RX ANT to both RX outputs = insertion loss + about 6 dB (1S) of gain
- Bypass relays
- Could be switched ON even the controller has got power switch OFF - preamp for SDR output
Available as
ASSEMBLED: classic version - ready to use
ASSEMBLED: preamp version - ready to use
ASSEMBLED: VHF 6/4m version - ready to use - VHF version
Included in package
Audite switch assembled and tested
Optional preamp module assembled and tested (preamp version)
DC plug - image
Read the online review by Rick Swenton, WR1S - pdf version
Read the QST review by Pete Smith, N4ZR
If you want to know more please check our wiki with RX Audite Switch manual.
TIP: You can use RX AUDITE with one RX. Switching the SDR RX to INB RX ANT switch disconnects the internal 2-way splitter and the signal from the antenna goes directly to the TRX. In the path is included RF limiter, bandpass filters and LNA. This increases the gain by 3dB.
classic version
version with preamplifier
example for connection with TRX and PA
example with 2-way small splitter
- You can use passive 2-way of 3-way RX splitter (at the RX SDR output) and split signal to more receivers without any bad effect of the insertion loss
TX way parameters
BOX ON: TX/RX ANT to TRX and SDR out
Isolation between RX ports
TRX/RX ant + PREAMP to TRX and SDR
Data sheet
- type
- design
- in enclosure
- usage
- RX + TX
- impedance
- 50 Ohm
- front-end protection
- input and output
- frequency range
- 0.1 MHz to 60 MHz
- product weight (brutto)
- 0.64 (classic), 0.68 (with preamp) kg
- package dimensions
- 27.5x22.5x9.5 cm
Specific References
- ean13
- 1000090116291